Becoming a “Road Warrior”

Headshot of Camilla Eubanks, Regional Director
The final in the Provide in Profile interview series, Camilla Eubanks, Regional Director, talks about the cultural competency needed for the work we do at Provide. She also talks about incorporating the desire to connect with people into remote work! We learned a lot from what Camilla had to say and we hope you will too!

Remote Work and Social Change Webinar

A screenshot of the section of Remote Justice that reads "For workers, For managers, For organizations"
We’re excited to announce that we will be hosting a webinar on May 12th from 1-2 pm Eastern: “Provide‘s Remote Work and Social Change Webinar”!

Remote work creates opportunities for non-profits in the social justice world. Provide will share insights for workers, managers, and organizations on how we’ve implemented these opportunities. Our Executive Director, Senior Director of Programs, and a Field Team Member will speak to the ways we create a remote work culture, share the tools we use to successfully work remotely, and explain what we get from working remotely that we couldn’t get from working out of the office.

Melanie Zurek, Executive Director at Provide
Wyndi Anderson, Senior Director of Programs at Provide
Bree Pearsall, Kentucky Field Coordinator at Provide

Register now to attend! We hope to see you there!