3 Tips to Create a Productive Remote Workspace

3 Tips to Create a Productive Home Workspace

While we do have an office here at Provide, most of our work takes place outside of it– in coffee shops in Kentucky, on the road in Alabama, from a home office in rural upstate New York. Many of our posts detail strategies for successful and efficient remote work in any location, but today, we are going to focus on the quintessential home office.

Remote workers spend the majority of their on-the-job hours in their home offices, so it is important to create this space to be both functional and visually appealing. But why is the visual nature of an office so important? Doesn’t it just need to be a space where  you can get your work done? It may surprise you, but these two things go hand-in-hand. In today’s post, we’ll be covering three important aspects of the remote workspace.

1. Layout
Unless you are strapped for space, it might be beneficial to step away from the traditional cubicle-style workspace. More expansive designs can feel less restrictive to many workers, enabling them to have a more productive space to come up with new ideas.

Home Office Layout

A great example of a non-cubicle remote workspace from Glodnuts Ventures.

2. Decorations 
In the first study on the effects of décor on  productivity, researchers found that factory workers were more productive in brightly-colored workspaces rather than dark, colorless ones. When you are surrounded by things that make you happy and inspired, of course you will find yourself working more efficiently and enthusiastically. The workspace should be a place that you feel comfortable and enjoy being in!

Sarah Cannady, our North Carolina State Coordinator, framed images and words that inspire her for her home office.

Sarah Cannady, our North Carolina State Coordinator, framed images and words that inspire her for her home office.

3. Ergonomics
Spending long hours in an office has the potential to put a strain on your physical health if you do not take ergonomics into consideration. The Mayo Clinic has some great advice on how to set up your workspace for optimum comfort and physical wellness.

Your workspace has an impact on your physical wellness, too! For a closer look at this diagram, check out Nismat.

Your workspace has an impact on your physical wellness, too! For a closer look at this diagram, check out Nismat.

We hope that these tips help you create your ideal home office space! Remember that there is not a universally “perfect” workspace. Each worker is different and will thus be more productive in different kinds of spaces!