The Ten Commandments of Remote Work

Ten Commandments of Remote Work

Even though remote work culture has been increasingly prevalent in the past few years, it can still be tricky to navigate a workplace that does not subsist in a face-to-face office environment. Thankfully, the wonderful people over at have created this incredible resource for remote workers, managers, and organizations alike: The Ten Commandments of Remote Work!

From “Thou Shalt Embrace Technology” to “Thou Shalt Provide Feedback,” each of these tricks and tips are vital in creating a productive and communicative remote work environment.

One of our favorites here at Provide is “#9: Thou Shalt Build Trust”:

Always remember that there is a breathing human being on the other side of virtual conversation. Do not exclude anyone from important information. Share details about what is happening in the company, keep others informed and engaged.

The best way to create a true sense of team spirit is to schedule regular get-togethers in person. Enjoy some bonding time and talk about something other than work for once. It also feels very good to finally put a face to the name.

Do you integrate any of these commandments into your own remote work? Do you have any tips that could be added to the list? Let us know in the comments!

The High Cost of Multitasking

The High Cost of Multitasking

Multitasking can be a challenge in any professional setting, but is especially prevalent for remote workers. When you’re working from home! Not only is it easy to attempt to multitask work projects, but it’s also fairly simple to slip into the mindset of, “Oh, I can answer these emails while walking the dog/doing dishes/etc.!”

In this wonderful article from the Huffington Post and infographic from Fuze, the costs (mentally and fiscally) are laid out.

The High Cost of Multitasking

by kikikarpus. Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

5 Ways to Make Working Remotely Actually Work

In this fantastic Fast Company article, Carson Tate gives a run-down of five major tips to being a successful remote worker.

“In some places, telecommuting is already at the heart of the employee experience. About 43% of Aetna’s employees take part in work-at-home and other virtual arrangements, which the health care company has allowed for the past two decades. The software company GitHub boasts a fully distributed workforce of over 260 people working across the globe.

Those and other organizations see telecommuting as a great way for employees to keep a healthy work-life balance. But that flexibility can also create a few new challenges. Here are five strategies for working effectively while you’re telecommuting.”

To read the entire article, click here.